There is a more flexible concise way to play a random sound:
void playRandomSound(string soundName, string[] sounds, string atEntity, float fadeTime, bool saveSound)
//Select a random index from the array
int rand = RandInt(0,sounds.length()-1);
//Play the sound at that index with the given settings
PlaySoundAtEntity(soundName, sounds[rand], atEntity, fadeTime, saveSound);
Usage could be something like:
//Idea 1:
void someFunction()
string[] mySounds = {"Sound1.snt","Sound2.snt","randomSound.snt","Magic.snt"};
//Idea 2:
string[] levelSounds = {"Sound1.snt","Sound2.snt","randomSound.snt","Magic.snt"};
void OtherCodeHere() {}
void someScriptCollisionCallback(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alStat)
Void MoreCodeHere() {}
But nice list, i may have one or two neat little scripts i can dig out.