This thread is about a moment late in the game, so if you don't know what I'm referring to, don't read on.
I was having an AWEFULLY hard time getting over the underground ice lake in Penumbra: Overture. The boards were being a pain to manuever, the ice kept breaking at the littlest contact, and I was spending more time looking at the loading screen than playing the game. I was on the verge of giving up for the day when I decided to just pull back an experiment, and this is what I came up with.
That's a video of me running across the ice, without any use of boards or other help, across and back.
First, I'm kinda disappointed at how annoying the controls were at that moment, and how I had to rely to a less-than-intelligenet solution to my problem. However, kudos to Frictional, intentionally or unintentionally, for leaving this path of solution to the ice lake a possibility.

Hopefully for episode 2 you'll have better refined the controls for interacting with movable items.
In the mean time, I hope you guys find this at least entertaining, or helpful if you're stuck at this part.
Note: This was recorded in gamecam on it's default settings, so there's no sound and the color is for some reason in sepia, but it's passable and you can clearly see what I do in it. ^^; Hopefully I can figure out this program better...
edit: Stupid Filefront. It has some weird streaming video thing for my file to let users watch it in a flash ala Youtube instead of downloading it, and it comes out scrambled somehow. :| Don't bother with the streaming flash thing, download the real file. It works fine in both VLC and WMP, dunno what is wrong with filefront's video player.