(05-07-2011, 10:56 AM)ferryadams10 Wrote: You really love water don't u?
The project as a whole, their isn't that much water. I wanted to link the two environments to explain the source of the water from the previous map.
Water is fun to use though

because a lot of players will know the dangers of splashing around in it

So you have a level of tension added right there.
The water lurker is also probably one of the best enemies to start playing with because you can at least hinder it's mobility. You can also test out patrols with it if you are unsure without having the monster come at you lol. This was before I realised that I could just make the monsters ignore the player though..

(05-08-2011, 12:24 AM)Nye Wrote: You're so right about planning ahead. I made the mistake of having no plan - making about 7 maps in dozens of hours and then realising they didn't fit together and having to delete so many hours of stuff 
Aye, I basically knew that I wanted to go from Level A to Level B... but the transition didn't really flow or make that much sense when I tried it out... breaking the immersion.. I realised it was more like going from A to D.. I had to add B and C in before I was happy.