(05-08-2011, 09:12 AM)ferryadams10 Wrote: Hey Simpanra,
I thought you helped me with voice acting? :S
Make a choice man 
We're working on a big story, if u want to make part of it then don't go do other stuff for a moment k?
Thanks for helping us. 
Ferry Adams
I know =) I am still helping you guys ^_^ Recording voice acting won't take me too long, even if you do have piles of things you want me to say. I really want to help you guys and i promise i will as soon as you send me something to say, i will say it ^_^
I am only asking for voice acting myself because i don't like putting my own voice in my own story, i prefer other peoples, and this story i am working on is just something to stop me going insane during my exams =)
Please understand i am going to help you 110% but i am also entertaining my own little hobby on the side lines,
Yes the side lines, that means your story is still my first priority =)
Your faithful voice actor,
Edd =)