FIXED: Figured it out!
If you want to make your own custom models, download both Blender 2.57, 2.49b, and get python 2.6.6 installed.
1) Create your .dae file in Blender 2.57. Save it as a .blend file.
2) Open it in Blender 2.49b.
3) Export it as COLLADA 1.4.
4) Import to map and use it! Enjoy!
Hey guys. Been trying to start making my own custom models but Blender is being a real pain.
I used the newest release (2.57) and tried exporting a model. I followed the directions on the wiki as well as those on the blender wiki but when I try to open the .ent or .dae file in the modelviewer it crashes. In the LevelEditor it simply shows with no texture.
I saw the warning on the Blender tutorial saying that 2.49 is the only one that works, and 2.5+ has some issues with the HPL suite. So I tried going to the Blender archives and I downloaded 3 older versions of it. 2.49, 2.49b, and one that said 2.49-windows-py25. The last didn't work (I had installed python 2.6.x, dur). 2.49 Has some weird errors show in the console, and 2.49b does as well. They say:
"ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application"
I'll keep trying but if anyone knows what's going on, or which Blender/python I should install please help

EDIT: I can see the model just fine in the ModelEditor, and it shows up fine with the .mat I assign it, but after I try to open it in the viewer/level editor those bugs happen.