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Mine Turtle Offline
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Dear ''Frictional Games'' staff.

Your games and work has inspired me to become a game designer myself, and not many games manage to do that. All i can say is that I am proud to have people like you originating from Scandinavia. Amnesia practically made me paranoid of the dark for a few days, so i am really impressed! Going without the napoleon styled grunts was a good call, and there is a lot of potenial in the ''old time'' 1800's flavored gameplay Amnesia had!

Amnesia is the first game ive come across that has such an impact on the player; Its not like ''dead space 2'' where monsters come out almost instantly, which is a very good thing! The game builds up fear in the player and makes a person afraid to look back when you hear things lurking.

This might not be forum related, but i feel it is the only way i can show my gratitude for your works, concidering the fact that you might not read every email you recieve.

Keep up the good work, and hell, you'll go further than ''valve productions'' i'd think!

From: A Norwegian fan

PS: This might have sounded like a review more than a praise letter, so sorry bout that :/
05-16-2011, 09:56 PM
Elexyr Offline
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RE: Praise

Norwegians UNITE!

Oh and ye, nice work FG!
05-17-2011, 10:58 AM

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