phantomlord2oo Wrote:I was checking out the "default_settings" in the redist/config folder and there's a setting that says AllowQuickSave="false". Maybe if you set that to true you could save when you want. I haven't fooled with it though.
Good news! I was able to figure out how to activate save anywhere using your hint.
1. Edit the file $MY_DOCUMENTS\Penumbra Overture\Episode 1\settings.cfg
(where $My_DOCUMENTS is whatever your "My Documents" folder is called in Windows)
2. Look for the text
AllowQuickSave = "false" and change the "false" to "true".
3. Save the file
Now when you are in the game, use F4 to qucksave and F5 to quickload. Note that since this appears to be an unsupported feature, there is no onscreen notification that your save is successful when you press F4. However, I have tested it several times and it seems to work. The saves themselves show up in the AutoSaves section when you go to manually load the game.
If any developers want to chime in on whether or not it is safe to continue using this feature, feel free.