(05-25-2011, 02:15 AM)MrBigzy Wrote: What vertex errors did you get? Also, this page has a lot of info: it's for HPL1, but I think most of it still applies.
Was the error that you had more than 4 vertices on a bone? Becuase you can only have a max of 3 (possibly 4, can't remember) joint influences per vertex.
thx for the link, tried the sampling option when exporting, no change

4 vertices on bone? dont understand this, because that would be much to few for one bone ^^, my model is about 17k verts. No its only the bind method that causes problems, smooth bind works perfect. only the interactive method causes errors, that nearly all vertecies go weird up in y direction, looks like the most verts have no bone, but everything looks fine in maya...
Danarogon I think frictional did the grunt animation by there own, thomas did the "professional" motin capturing ^^ dont remember the video

its a pity because with interactive mode i get much better skinning than with smooth bind