I hope to get some insight on how to make these custom stories. I'm really new here and new at this game. I just started playing it for a week and I've fallen in love with Frictional.
I have a project I'm working on, but I am completely lost with making scripts and how to work the decals. I'm looking for someone who's good at it that could possibly help me out and tutor me on creating notes, momentums, and cut-scenes.
My story starts out being awoken by a prisoner's scream in a dungeon. The player has to escape the dungeon by finding keys and reading notes & momentums carefully. I haven't thought of the plot yet because of the situation I'm in with the scripts. So if anyone can help me out and is interested in my project, let me know.
I'll be posting a thread on my project when I get more developed, but here's a picture of what I've gotten so far.
I'm open to ideas, suggestions, anything. I just need someone who can help me develop scripts for my maps.