lol jk I think that subject line would get more attention than "SCRIPT HELP"
<for those who cant script you may not read past this line>
you're reading and therefore you are a scriptor or immune to my commands
I have a problem that I'm really not sure how or where to start it. Here's the situation though:
I have one coal intake machine thing, posing as an industrial cleaner.
What I'd like to have happen is you put a dirty blob "a rock" into the cleaner (its an entity not an item, so you pick it up and bring it into the cleaner) and once its inside the cleaner you must close the cleaner door (it self locks for a few seconds) and hit a lever. After the lever has been triggered for a few seconds the screen shakes, a few lights brighten ect (lasts 2 seconds please). Once that has been completed the dirty blob disappears and a clean shiney statuette is left in the cleaner

here's the names
dirty object: dirty_object
clean object: clean_object
script area inside cleaner (if needed):cleaner_area
cleaner door: cleaner_door
cleaner: cleaner
lights: light1, light2 light3
cleaner lever: cleaner_lever
I don't understand the immensity of my request, but I do understand thank you's and I almost owe you one for reading all that

but you gotta earn it!!
Super thanks and virtual hugs to anyone who can solve my problem