What was the first thing you did when the game started? It was really dark and I stuck to the right wall and walked after it and checked the doors.
What did you think of the first scripted event, where you look at the door, and the monster roars? it was good, but I expected him to bash down the door
What did you do after the scripted event? "I waited some seconds and walked inside the room, and hid behind the barrelwall so I had a retreat route.
What did you think of the second scripted event, where the door slams and closes behind you? It caught me off guard and jumped alittle, I like that part, but don't over use "find the key, open door" too many times as people tend to do, it gets old quickly. use more levers, valves, potion making and other things to keep the puzzles fun and interesting.
Was the key puzzle too obscure? hmm... it was obvious, but I don't like looking behind every stone and crate after keys so it was good.
Did the monsters come after you? No, I only heard a monster and after i went inside the room, got out and got the lantern I guessed it was over. Some notice to when you reach the end of the demo would be nice.
What were your thoughts on how the first room changed? It was okay, looked cool, but it didnt make sense to as why it should turn red, I suppose it was the shadows doings, but wouldnt they make it darker? i dunno :p but the room changing with having skulls and all that was neat, but for me the castle theme and torture equipment doesnt go along too well, dungeons and darker places fits more to torture.
Did it catch you off guard? the room changing? no, but you could see more in that hall though, you should put out maybe a boxlight over whole map with a very dark light, or use point lights in the places you want to lit up alittle.
How fast after you re-entered the first room did you find the lantern? I went into the second room before I found the lantern, as I wouldnt expect an iron maiden to really contain anything except a scare event, but took me maybe 5-10 min to be done.
Did anything scare you? the door slam, alittle. maybe if the monster would be inside the room it would be scarier
Did you find any bugs? No roof, too many barrels and crates, I jumped on the wall to see if there were anything behind the locked doors, because of lack of credits. The monster not spawning is a bug i guess.
What were your thoughts overall? Suggestions?: It was okay for being new and just for messing around two days, but makeing the maps so they look good and that you can immerse yourself into it is very important. the torture equipment spread in the big room didnt fit too well in. It was too many barrels and crates, too generous with tinderboxes and nothing to lit. The lantern was hidden in a strange place for me.
At the start, add a reason to why i start right there and I couldnt understand what kind of a room I was in. If it was an entrance put out a big door, maybe natural lightning and stuff until you advance onto the more wicked/magical places. The windows should have a spot light so it looks as if light comes in from it. decorate more,
The second room was too big and didnt make sense to what it was, try to use smaller rooms but connected by doors instead. more details, carpets, windows(if it would make sense), curtains, pictures. try to make different themes to the future maps, a castle entrance, a basement, workshop, torture chambers should look different from eachother. Well here's some tips that should give you a idea of what to improve, and all I said I didnt mean to be rude, it's advices, because if you want the maps to be really good you have to polish them really well, lighting, decoration, puzzles and scares. I might be too harsh, It was a good beginner map but you can make them much better

Also test that the scripts and all works before you post it, you get better feedback about the monster events then, So keep on making maps and I'd love to try them

(Sorry for it being so long xD)