Hello Forum People!
I'm quite new to scripting and don't understand 100% of Frictional Games's Scripting Tutorial.
Basically what I want is that whenever the player walks into "Area1" he
activates "Area2" which then activates "servant_grunt_1".
"Area1" is enabled at start of map.
"Area2" is disabled at start of map until "Area1" activates the script.
I need help with what to write in the script, something like PlayerCollide(Callback?).
What I currently have, is PlayerLookAtCallback, which causes the grunt to spawn whenever I look at the 2 areas I have specified :/
And there is no CollideCallback in the Script-Area Entity Tabs, only LookAtCallback & InteractCallback.
In this case, would colliding with the area count as an InteractCallback?
Also, I'm Norwegian so please excuse if there are any typos.
Thanks for reading xD!
*EDIT - I found the soultion in another help thread c:
Thanks anyways!
Still feel free to post answers here as it will help other players find the solution C:!