(07-22-2011, 06:36 PM)Rokotain Wrote: Hi Kyle :3
I've seen a somewhat ok solution to what I am about to ask somewhere here on the forums, but I can't find it again :/
Anyways, I wonder how I could make:
Start Picture (imgfile in custom_story_settings.cfg)
Ending Credits
About the Start Picture. I have a .jpg picture in my custom story folder. And I've typed the right name and everything, but when I open custom story after launching Amnesia, the picture is in black-white and is strecthed heavily diagonally. It also appears on all custom stories.
I don't know how to fix that :/
I've tried .png picture as well, and with both widescreen and square forms. But no sucess so far.
Ending credits I would like to be activated when I unlock or open a level door. There is no level on the other side at the moment, so the game will crash when attempted to open the door.
So the credits would have to be activited when I unlock the door with a key or something, at least before the game crashes.
Hope you got some answers!
Hello Rokotain. I remember when I tried to set up a custom story picture.
I believe that it gets cut and skewed when the picture is too big. I'll let you download one I used in one of my custom stories. Another reason why it could not work is because it isn't set up in the right place. From your "custom_stories" folder, there will be your custom story folder, for example I'll call it "example". Inside that folder, there should be a folder called "graphics", and another folder called "general". In there is where you should store all your pictures that are related to your custom story.
In short:
custom_stories --> example --> graphics --> general --> [Picture files in there]
Here is the link to my example picture:
I also want to note that the reason why you see the messed up picture after clicking on other custom stories is because for some reason if the custom stories that you click on don't have a picture, then tend to "lend" the one from the one that you just clicked on.
In your "custom_stories_setting.cfg", the line that has "ImgFile" should look like this if you used the example picture I provided.
ImgFile = "CS_picture01.png"
I would like to know if it works or not and if you could get your other picture working.
About the ending credits, I will have to edit this post later and put in how to do it, for I need to develop a way that does work the way it should (I never did the credits before

Credits Script
I was easily able to get the credits working on the second try (first time failed when trying to rename key, which failed at that moment) and I'll share with you how I did it. I had a level door named "level_wood_1" and a key named "Key01". This is what my script looked like, for when the door is unlocked and when the player interacts with it once it is unlocked in a sense to start the credits and end the custom story. I did not add sounds correct because I wasn't really caring for them at that moment.
void OnStart()
SetLocalVarInt("Var01", 0);
AddUseItemCallback("", "Key01", "level_wood_1", "Cred01", true);
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("level_wood_1", "Cred02", false);
void Cred01(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetLocalVarInt("Var01", 1);
void Cred02(string &in asEntity)
if (GetLocalVarInt("Var01") == 1)
StartCredits("", true, "Credits", "End", 10);
This is what my extra_english.lang looks like:
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemName_Key01">Level Door Key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_Key01">This unlocks the level door.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Credits">
<Entry Name="End">[br][br][br]This is a credits test.[br][br]I hope this works! :D</Entry>
I hope this helps you!