Pwoshi the sexy miner: I'm looking at the Amnesia icon
Pwoshi the sexy miner: It's looking back...
Pwoshi the sexy miner: I thought what would happen
Pwoshi the sexy miner: If the devs from amnesia (forgot their names)
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Made a new game
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Same engine as Amnesia
Pwoshi the sexy miner: But you're in a small town
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And everyone has suddenly dissapeared
Pwoshi the sexy miner: You have to do stuff
Pwoshi the sexy miner: To survive
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And solve the mystery (or at least try to) as to how all the people vanished
Pwoshi the sexy miner: But of course my thought went scary

{{TG}} Adrian: Mmmmm
{{TG}} Adrian: Yeah
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And there are AI that peak their heads around corners
Pwoshi the sexy miner: and as soon as you look at them, they run away
{{TG}} Adrian: :o
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Or shadows that dart across halls that you're looking down
Pwoshi the sexy miner: But they're not realy shadows
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Just hallucinations
Pwoshi the sexy miner: real*
{{TG}} Adrian: I like it
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And you have a choice
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Take a house
Pwoshi the sexy miner: and make it yours
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Survive and hope you don't get scared as fuck
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Or solve
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Survive long enough, and eventually you'll learn
Pwoshi the sexy miner: somehow
{{TG}} Adrian: Hmmmm...
{{TG}} Adrian: Not a bad idea, at all
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And by survive
Pwoshi the sexy miner: I mean
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Finding food
Pwoshi the sexy miner: electricity means
Pwoshi the sexy miner: etc
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Possible some sort of enemy
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Not zombies
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Too cliche and would give people some security
{{TG}} Adrian: mhm
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Because if I'm in a zombie game
{{TG}} Adrian: :/
Pwoshi the sexy miner: I feel more comforted than in Amnesia...
{{TG}} Adrian: lol
Pwoshi the sexy miner: The guns help too, I guess
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Let's see
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Maybe more monsters?
{{TG}} Adrian: Nooo weapons D:
Pwoshi the sexy miner: At night
{{TG}} Adrian: Only stealh
{{TG}} Adrian: stealth**
Pwoshi the sexy miner: There would be the rare weapons in this game
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Like a police pistol
{{TG}} Adrian: Oh
Pwoshi the sexy miner: It can be set in a village in England!
{{TG}} Adrian:

Pwoshi the sexy miner: Axes and stuff
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Homemade weapons
Pwoshi the sexy miner: But a rare gun
{{TG}} Adrian: Not bad
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And they were all stolen from the police station
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Wait
Pwoshi the sexy miner: That kinda defeats the purpose of everyone vanishing...
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Maybe all of a sudden
Pwoshi the sexy miner: Without warning
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And a helicopter fell out of the sky and hit the police station!
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And if you see a police car
Pwoshi the sexy miner: That's where you can find it
Pwoshi the sexy miner: But since the city's so small
Pwoshi the sexy miner: There's only one
Pwoshi the sexy miner: AND IT'S DRIVEN BY A GOOSE
Pwoshi the sexy miner: FUCK YEAH
Pwoshi the sexy miner: So you have to stop the car somehow
Pwoshi the sexy miner: And kill the goose
Pwoshi the sexy miner: All in one day
Pwoshi the sexy miner: As for gas... Well you have to get it by the first day. or else the goose manages to drive it off a cliff
tl;dr: You're in a city, and everyone vanished without warning. Certain things happen, and you're the last human alive. You must survive and investigate strange occurrences. At night, monster beings come and try to get you. And there's one gun. And it's with a goose that can drive. But you can make improvised weapons and barriers.