Hey, this isn't a request for a monster OR an object
per se, but I'm not sure where else to ask, so I'll do it here! :-)
Would it be possible for you to model a young woman for me? I'm not an artist, so I wouldn't have any concept art to use an example, but it'd be a pretty simple design.
Pretty much, she'd have to be lying on her back, with her arms crossed and in a simple night dress. She'd have hair down to her shoulders (hair color doesn't matter, so long as she's not gray or punk-rocker green), and would be barefoot. She'd have no physical deformations, and she wouldn't be a jawless, psychotic murderer with a sword for an arm.

Just a simple woman!
If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate it if you could do this! It's for my custom story, and you would, of course, be given credit for your work. She doesn't need to be a ragdoll and would require no animations--just a normal entity that could fit on the standard mansion four-poster bed in her static lying position.