Likely the last one, they'll have more textures to use, along with more ease with the engine. They'll also have more funds to play around with, allowing more powerful tools to be used. The last game will likley be more 'epic' in story line and game layout, they likely won't do the level layouts like they did in episode one, after the main complaint in reviews was the level layout.
Please -REP me.
Honestly, please do. I want to see how low I can go!!
Ignore that error message too. Just ignore it and keep going to give me -rep.
Second one, for now, I think that it will be longer than Episode One!
Oh, I noticed that I said, that last one will be the longest, in the first post... Well, I meant it to be the third Episode. But 'cause there is no more plans for third Episode, it means Episode Two.