Very fun demo, thanks.
But but there is alot of but's.
I dont like it when you slow down the mouse sensitivity, that is just frustrating to me, i almost broke my mouse, thinking it was acting up again, just got a new one.
Also the baby cries or what on earth they are, they arent scary, they are to loud, and they give me a headache sorry

The spooky sounds should be more like sounds of winds, whispers, wood making sounds, stuff falling, not spiky earry sound that is so sharp it makes my ears hurt.
I feel like you are overloading the user with sounds, a dead silience can be even more spooky, there is so a total sound overload, atleast of the wrong kind of sounds, i really hope you can and will opt for more sounds like i said, wind, wood, spooky doors, chains. stuff like that, and not so many at a time.
Other than that,i really like it so far. Cant wait to play it and mess around with the editor. I really digg the whole castle theme, it kinda reminds me of a sort of spooky haunted version of Wolfenstein 3d