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How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

How do I make a custom object Transparant, like a Mirror (without being able to see yourself, but able to see THROUGH the mirror)
Or how do I make a "chrome" ball. like A ball, and then white/silver color, and in maya, you can choose your sort, like Blinn etc. then you can choose something, that looks like chrome (what I want) but if you export it to amnesia. all you get is that thing without the chrome etc. Can't hpl engine handle this?! or is there a way... also, how to make something transparent?
(Also, is it possible to make a Custom decal?! if yes, how?!)
05-06-2015, 10:08 PM
FlawlessHappiness Offline
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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

Isn't it, just making a transparent texture in a painting program?

I use Paint.net for everything I do, but it's not very professional.

Trying is the first step to success.
05-06-2015, 11:18 PM
Romulator Offline
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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

I know that you can make textures with transparency. How? I'm not so sure. Take a look at the breakable window entity's texture. It should be, off memory, be in either (or both) entities > gameplay or entities > special.

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[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
05-07-2015, 12:22 AM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

For the chrome thing, I'm pretty sure you gotta play with spec and illum maps. Those will act as filters to your textures which can make them shine and reflect in special ways.

As for transparency, create an alpha channel that is not completely white, depending on what you want. Then, open the .mat file with the material editor and set the type to Translucent and set the blend mode to Alpha. Just bear in mind you can not use translucency and opacity on the same texture; they must be separate materials or they will look odd.

05-07-2015, 09:09 AM
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

Thanks everyone!!
Big Grin
05-07-2015, 02:16 PM
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

another question, Can you make something in maya, and keep doing the "assign new material" etc, and then just export all, and have the "object" you made with all the textures etc in amnesia?! I did this, I made a kinda turtle thing, but in the model view, and editor, it didn't had textures. and not all the parts. only the shield..
Or is it because you have to wait?! everytime I do the "Export all" thing it says like :
Time to export file *blabla* : 183
Do I have to wait 183 seconds until it is finished or what?! Because I just see the Turle.dae and Just use it but that doesn't wait, so do you need to wait etc, or do you need to include ALL the textures you used, in jpg files WITH the .dae file... (Like having 10 images in the file "turtle" including the Turtle.dae and open the model editor etc etc)

A pic of the "turtle"
I click on "export all" and export it. (Triangulate is on, Lights etc off. I did everything)

Attached Files
.png   Untitled.png (Size: 307.85 KB / Downloads: 152)
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 03:26 PM by Amnesiaplayer.)
05-07-2015, 03:19 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

One mesh can only have one lambert material. You can have multiple meshes in your model though. For instance, I have a wooden bed in my thread over here, where the wood is one material and the sheets is another. The textures are in two files.

You can do that by adding another object (mesh) to your model. Do NOT merge them into one though, or else you'll be forced to use a single texture file. Once you have two objects, hold right click and "Assign favorite material > lambert" to give it a new material instead of your existing one. Go to the channel box and assign your other texture to that. It's as simple as that, really. Just remember to keep the two objects separate or it won't work.

(This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 03:35 PM by Mudbill.)
05-07-2015, 03:34 PM
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

(05-07-2015, 03:34 PM)Mudbill Wrote: One mesh can only have one lambert material. You can have multiple meshes in your model though. For instance, I have a wooden bed in my thread over here, where the wood is one material and the sheets is another. The textures are in two files.

You can do that by adding another object (mesh) to your model. Do NOT merge them into one though, or else you'll be forced to use a single texture file. Once you have two objects, hold right click and "Assign favorite material > lambert" to give it a new material instead of your existing one. Go to the channel box and assign your other texture to that. It's as simple as that, really. Just remember to keep the two objects separate or it won't work.

Wait, So do I have to start all over again?! What I did was making a lot of Polygons, and I gave each one a "texture" (some 4) like ? I did Assign Material, for all of them.
and then, I just Combined everything.. Did I do it wrong?
also, if I export it to amnesia > Model view, the only thing you can see is his "shield" without texture.. (also, the shield is big as when it was at the begin, but I rescaled the whole turtle, after combining them...
05-07-2015, 03:39 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

Retexturing each face only relocates the UV maps. It's still the same material. You have two options: Either make all the texture for your turtle into 1 texture file, or keep the different parts separate objects.

As for the model viewer, it might happen to mess up the shape (usually always happens to me). Fix it by deleting the .msh file it generates first and then reload it and it will look like it should (assuming this is the same issue).

05-07-2015, 03:43 PM
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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RE: How to make a custom object "chrome" or Transparent?!

As for the model viewer, it might happen to mess up the shape (usually always happens to me). Fix it by deleting the .msh file it generates first and then reload it and it will look like it should (assuming this is the same issue).

I did that, The shield was rescaled. so it was actually fixed, but there is still the shield only, so the other objects are missing..... Sad
and I realised, that it made only MAT file, the Msh file was missing either... What is this, I didn't know it was that difficult to make a custom model ;(

As for the model viewer, it might happen to mess up the shape (usually always happens to me). Fix it by deleting the .msh file it generates first and then reload it and it will look like it should (assuming this is the same issue).

I did that, The shield was rescaled. so it was actually fixed, but there is still the shield only, so the other objects are missing..... Sad
and I realised, that it made only MAT file, the Msh file was missing either... What is this, I didn't know it was that difficult to make a custom model ;(
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 03:50 PM by Amnesiaplayer.)
05-07-2015, 03:50 PM

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