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Game does not start.

Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Game does not start.
Hello Guys

First of all, I am sorry for my english.

2 Days ago I got Amnesia: The Dark Descent from Steam and could it startet without any problems.

Yesterday I tried to start it again, i double clicked it, but nothing happened. Even if i try to start the game directly on Steam, nothing happens. If i click on the "Amnesia-Icon" on the Desktop more often, then a message pops up for about 3 seconds saying "Amnesia: The Dark Descent Loads" (or so), then the message disappears and nothing happens. There isn't even an "error-message" or something else.

I have already reinstalled the game twice, then i enabled the function to start the game as Admin, i've checked directly on Steam for errors. Still nothing.

What could I do?

Thank you ahead Smile

(and once again, I am sorry for my english)
09-17-2015, 11:48 AM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Game does not start.
Post the hpl log as described in the troubleshooting guide at problem x. If there is no hpl.log then the game does not run and it is a steam problem, so in that case it is probably better to check steam support for help.
09-17-2015, 11:59 AM
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