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Huge FPS Problem

Solved: 7 Years, 6 Months ago Huge FPS Problem

I just bought the game and I am looking forward to enjoying the unique experience this game has provided to so many others. However, I am stopped by this massive FPS wall of no more that 17 FPS in full screen. I have tried many solutions, none of which work. I am looking to see if there is anything I can do because right now the game is absolutely unplayable which is a shame because I am really looking forward to playing this game. I will likely ask for a refund if I cannot get this fixed.

I have a 4k monitor with a GTX 970 and an i7 quad core cpu. I have more then enough horsepower to get through this game and yet I cannot play it. The only time I get more than 17 FPS is when the display is on borderless and the resolution is anything smaller than my monitor's display resolution. Changing the display resolution, for example changing it from 4k to 1k, will still result in a huge FPS drop. As long as the borderless window does not fill the screen the game runs fine and having a 4k monitor makes the game window very tiny when the resolution is anything but the display resolution or full screen.

~ Vatruvius

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09-01-2017, 08:19 AM

Solved: 7 Years, 6 Months ago RE: Huge FPS Problem
Not sure what I did, I restarted my computer a few times and downloaded the most recent GPU driver. This had some effect for some reason or had no effect at all, I cannot tell which. I did briefly run into a problem with CPU use which, after a game restart, fixed itself. If anyone having any of these problems just reboot the game and your PC a few times and make sure you have the most up to date drivers. It may take a couple of hours but it may just work out in the end.

~ Vatruvius
09-01-2017, 09:48 AM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

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