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Crow bar and a Body - Printable Version

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Crow bar and a Body - clock123 - 08-08-2011

Hello, I want to make a crow bar open a certain door and a body bursting out from a closet when stepping in into a certain area, how do I make these things happen?, I dont really have scripting knowledge, so.. yeah.
Please help, if not both at least one.

RE: Crow bar and a Body - Dizturbed - 08-08-2011

AddPropImpulse("corpse_male_1", 0, -100, 0, "world"); For example..
AddUseItemCallback("", "crowbar_1", "AreaUseCrowbar", "UseCrowbar", true);
AddEntityCollideCallback("crowbar_joint", "ScriptArea_2", "BrokenActive", true, 1);
void UseCrowbar(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetEntityActive("crowbar_joint", true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("pickupcrow","player_crouch.snt", "Player", 0.05, false);
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("AreaUseCrowbar", "", true);
void BrokenActive(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
SetEntityActive("crowbar_joint", false);
SetEntityActive("cellar_wood01_4", true);
SetEntityActive("cellar_wood01_2", false);
SetEntityActive("broken", true);
SetEntityActive("block", false);
SetEntityActive("crowbar_broken", true);
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("", "ps_hit_wood", "AreaBreakEffect", false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("lurker_hit_wood", "lurker_hit_wood.snt", "cellar_wood01_4", 2.0f, false);

here you go, an example =)


RE: Crow bar and a Body - clock123 - 08-08-2011

can you please be more specific? Sad I really dont know what to input and where, please help if you can Sad