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Poll: Do you listen to Rap ?
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Rap Anyone ?
Adny Offline
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RE: Rap Anyone ?

Kman is correct.

Imo every genre is good, it just depends on how willing you are to actually look into it instead of making hasty generalizations. People hear Justin Beiber, then they think all pop is bad. People listen to Lil' Wayne, then they think all rap is bad. Big record labels are just milking all the profit they can from these people, then they'll be gone in a few years, only to be replaced by more "talented" artists.

I'm not a big rap/hip-hop fan, but if you think all it's about is drugs/women/money, then you haven't taken enough time to look into it.

I rate it 3 memes.
08-02-2012, 09:46 PM
HateSolstice Offline

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RE: Rap Anyone ?

(08-02-2012, 09:30 PM)Kman Wrote:
Quote:I personally don't give a damn how big your yacht is, or how many bitches you have, or how many caps your pop in my ass, or how much weed you smoke a day. I also don't give a damn if you grew up in "da hood", and that mommy and daddy weren't around enough in your life. We get it. One or even two songs is fine. But when it's every fucking song, it gets old.

Quote:Like it or not, this is the face of rap.

See this is what I have a problem with. You're making a massive assumption here without even knowing the genre. You said that you just don't like rap, period, and while I still find it a little rediculous to reject an entire genre of music, I can except that... Yet the way you're describing it it really doesn't sound like you know anything about the genre and are just coming to conclusions based on little evidence. Sure, if you jut turn on the radio that's all you're going to hear, but it's a way more diverse genre if you dive further into it. All I'm saying is you can't claim that "you know the face of a genre" when you refuse to listen to anything other than the mainstream crap.
Sure I can. The face of the genre is the one that is the most abundant and praised by the masses. I've had more than my share of friends and associates that listened to rap almost exclusively, and this is the garbage they enjoyed. Don't tell me I can't dismiss the genre when 1) I can't stand the "music" style of 70% bass and 30% stolen hooks from other music, and 2) can't stand the culture that breeds it.

After putting up with it for 15 years, I can safely and honestly say that it is a very narrow-minded form of music and it breeds further idiocy. Underground "artists" are underground for a reason, and are not the norm.

Then again, I am speaking purely of the North American form of rap. If you're talking about J-Pop rap, or European rap, then I can't comment on that at all. I still can't stand the style of music, regardless of the lyrical content or what language it's in.

(08-02-2012, 09:46 PM)andyrockin123 Wrote: Kman is correct.

Imo every genre is good, it just depends on how willing you are to actually look into it instead of making hasty generalizations. People hear Justin Beiber, then they think all pop is bad. People listen to Lil' Wayne, then they think all rap is bad. Big record labels are just milking all the profit they can from these people, then they'll be gone in a few years, only to be replaced by more "talented" artists.

I'm not a big rap/hip-hop fan, but if you think all it's about is drugs/women/money, then you haven't taken enough time to look into it.
When the top artists of a genre write music about only a couple very specific things, and it permeates the culture, then I don't need to look all that deep.

I've hated pop music long before that douchebag Justin Beiber was even a sperm in his daddy's sack. I've hated rap long before Lil' Wayne was talking about how much "bling" he has.

Again, you people are assuming I've spent 5 minutes listening to MTV and made my opinion. Sorry, but 20 of my 30 years on this planet has been submerged in the rap culture(unwillingly, I assure you), and I've seen all it has to offer.
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2012, 02:06 AM by HateSolstice.)
08-03-2012, 02:01 AM
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RE: Rap Anyone ?

ok, im going to let the videos speak for me. this is the era of rap:

This is original rap. If you like this, you like rap.

Rap is one of my favourite genres and i hate 50cent, eminem, soulja boy, lil'wayne and dont really enjoy tupac.
Rap is from Hip Hop culture and one of the culture elements are peace, love and unity. If you promote violence and such you have no place in the culture

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08-04-2012, 03:54 PM
HateSolstice Offline

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RE: Rap Anyone ?

So you're saying gangster rap isn't rap because it's not like the underground stuff? What?
08-04-2012, 06:29 PM
Bridge Offline
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RE: Rap Anyone ?

I listen to music primarily for the music and in my experience rap music has simple percussion with simple themes that aren't developed at all with rapping on top. I can appreciate good lyrics but if the music is repetitive and vapid then it's pointless. Before all you trve underground fans start throwing "complex rap" at me I just want to say I don't enjoy rapping vocals in general and it doesn't matter what music accompanies it it just doesn't appeal to me.
08-04-2012, 07:24 PM
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RE: Rap Anyone ?

(08-04-2012, 06:29 PM)HateSolstice Wrote: So you're saying gangster rap isn't rap because it's not like the underground stuff? What?
yes, do some research. Oh wait you said you dont really care so you may stay ignorant and continue hating the genre for what its not. (no offense)

I've been bboyin' for more than 5 years, which means i've been connected tightly with the hiphop culture and im living it everyday. I know what i'm talking about.

And there's a big difference between those who are rapping about how they really lived in their youth (there was violence, drugs and hate)

and those who promote it. AKA disgrace to the whole genre

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08-04-2012, 08:58 PM
Froge Offline
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RE: Rap Anyone ?

Good music is what you want out of it.

I had a hard time understanding the appeal of rap. A person on another forum told me that they liked rap because they felt energized by the beat, especially with heavy emphasis upon bass, so I guess it's testosterone music. I personally dislike rap a lot, but I won't discard it as a valid genre.

[Image: p229xcq]
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2012, 09:01 PM by Froge.)
08-04-2012, 09:01 PM
HateSolstice Offline

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RE: Rap Anyone ?

(08-04-2012, 08:58 PM)CowardlyDog Wrote:
(08-04-2012, 06:29 PM)HateSolstice Wrote: So you're saying gangster rap isn't rap because it's not like the underground stuff? What?
yes, do some research. Oh wait you said you dont really care so you may stay ignorant and continue hating the genre for what its not. (no offense)

I've been bboyin' for more than 5 years, which means i've been connected tightly with the hiphop culture and im living it everyday. I know what i'm talking about.

And there's a big difference between those who are rapping about how they really lived in their youth (there was violence, drugs and hate)

and those who promote it. AKA disgrace to the whole genre
Meh, offend me or not, I don't really care. It's the internet, and I don't get offended. So say whatever.

I don't understand the need to make up new nonsensical words just to express something can be said with already existing words. Yes, I know, language "grows and evolves", but only when necessary. We have established words with established meanings based upon very long-standing uses and intended definitions for things that had no such description otherwise. Yes, it's another part of that entire rap/hip-hop culture I can't stand: illiteracy.

Your underground "artists" are not the norm, and thus are not the public face of the genre or industry. Sorry. I'm not claiming what they do isn't just as authentic, but I am saying they're not the only "truth", if you will, of the movement. You can make every god damn argument under the sun you want about how this guy nobody ever heard of that just released a demo on YouTube is what it's really all about, but you're not going to change the very fact that rap has been, for twenty years, about violence, drugs, and whoring. How are you going to deny twenty years of the public face of rap being what it has been? That's like saying I can deny that the 1980s hair bands weren't all just about sex and drugs, when it's fact that that is exactly what they were. Sorry, personal denial and proclamations of "you don't get it, I live the life!" don't cut it when it comes to public perception by the very people that promote the lifestyle. They ARE the genre, not some kid no one has ever heard of.
08-04-2012, 09:17 PM
Adny Offline
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RE: Rap Anyone ?

(08-02-2012, 07:57 PM)HateSolstice Wrote: Can't stand rap, R&B, country, pop, or techno. And no, I don't like any of the variations thereof either.

Yes, I like rock, metal, and classical.

No, I will not go check out underground acts of this or that just because someone thinks it will change my mind. It won't.

And yes, I am perfectly happy being a close-minded "hater".
I respect your opinions, but I am flabbergasted you like the few genres you do if you have that mindset. If you just take a quick glance at rock or metal, you could easily dismiss all of it as Nickel Back or *cringe* Asking Alexandria. You know as well as I do there is much more to those genres than the bands I listed, but keeping that in mind, I can't possibly see how you wouldn't have the same mindset when it comes to any other genre.

On a side note, how can you complain about the message and ideas of rap when the contents of metal or rock are the same, or even worse? There are plenty of rock'n'roll songs about drugs, and plenty of metal songs about killing and violence, but you seem to be able to conveniently look past those for the sake of your argument.

For the record, I never asked you to watch that video, I was merely proving CorinthianMerchant's point wrong on how all rap is the same.

I rate it 3 memes.
08-04-2012, 10:31 PM
HateSolstice Offline

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RE: Rap Anyone ?

(08-04-2012, 10:31 PM)andyrockin123 Wrote:
(08-02-2012, 07:57 PM)HateSolstice Wrote: Can't stand rap, R&B, country, pop, or techno. And no, I don't like any of the variations thereof either.

Yes, I like rock, metal, and classical.

No, I will not go check out underground acts of this or that just because someone thinks it will change my mind. It won't.

And yes, I am perfectly happy being a close-minded "hater".
I respect your opinions, but I am flabbergasted you like the few genres you do if you have that mindset. If you just take a quick glance at rock or metal, you could easily dismiss all of it as Nickel Back or *cringe* Asking Alexandria. You know as well as I do there is much more to those genres than the bands I listed, but keeping that in mind, I can't possibly see how you wouldn't have the same mindset when it comes to any other genre.

On a side note, how can you complain about the message and ideas of rap when the contents of metal or rock are the same, or even worse? There are plenty of rock'n'roll songs about drugs, and plenty of metal songs about killing and violence, but you seem to be able to conveniently look past those for the sake of your argument.

For the record, I never asked you to watch that video, I was merely proving CorinthianMerchant's point wrong on how all rap is the same.
Nickelback is hardly rock. Never heard of the other band. I can't think of any other bands that even mimic Nickelback, especially seeing as how pop-rock is on the decline HARD.

A song being about drugs/violence is not the same as a song promoting drugs/violence. The stuff I listen to(which is all pretty damn mainstream for the genres) condemn such things, and call people out on their bullshit. Or in the case of bands like Iron Maiden, retell stories of historical events or literary works. In fact, I can count on one hand the number of bands that actually promote the things you claim they do. Slayer is about the most commercially "successful" band that openly promotes any of that stuff, and they really are the minority, not to mention not being relevant for a couple decades.
08-06-2012, 12:54 PM

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