After long and painful suffering, a rich man in incurable sickness, known as Erwin Von Berger, loses his strength to fight back and slowly starts to pass out.
As the final mermories of life abounds in his mind, everything slowly fades out dark and a relief to his pain finally arrives.
He was a religious man, he knew something was to come, but maybe not in this particular way.
After a feeling of sudden recovery, he opens his eyes and holds his breath for his amazement, noticing that his thoughts about a lift to heaven or a fall to hell, appears to be only a mere belief, since the real fact opens up as something far more unpredictable and ominious in his vision...
Unreality Beyond The Death, should deliver deeper story telling and smarter puzzles, rather than being a just bland brainless experience to paly trought, that I confess creating in the past.
If you find typos or gramatical errors from the describtion, please note me.
I thank in advance.