After the events of the prologue, and witnessing the horrors of the dorm, Howard is approached by a student named Skai. She asks Howard to help her stop the dark happenings at Hsiung-Ming University. And thus Howard ventures forth, and slowly unravels the dark truth behind the events at the university in the process...
"Hell Awakening: Part 1" is part 1 of 2 planned for the Hell Awakening series, and takes place right after the events of the prologue. You will be able to explore many landmarks of the university as you try to find a way to stop the crisis around you.
-Dynamic NPC Interaction System - In the form of your NPC guide Skai, experience an innovative game mechanic which allows for you to contact her with your radio yourself during anytime, instead of only being able to receive calls like most other games.
-Highly Narrative Driven Story - Fleshed out, and relateable characters bring the story to life as you slowly peel back what the story has to offer.
-Fresh New Setting - Coming in the form of Hsiung-Ming University, explore new environments that have rarely been visited before in an Amnesia custom story, or mod.
-Atmospheric Gameplay - Witness Events that will cause you to question your own sanity.
-A Sense of World - See how the dark happenings slowly affected the daily routines of the people around it, and not just the major characters.
-Chinese Voice Acting with English Subtitles
-New Radio Flashlight - Special thanks to Hirnwirbel for creating the model, and necessary animations for it. It's absolutely awesome ^^
Well, that's that! Hope you like it, and as always constructive criticism, and/or friendly feedback is always welcome!
EDIT: Oh, and almost forgot! A special shout-out to Hirnwirbel for helping me basically anything model related as well as texture properties. She's also helped me tweak the plot in several areas, yeah so I don't care if I'm saying this twice, but she's awesome!
(03-06-2013, 08:38 AM)No Author Wrote: I've never played hell awakening before. Something tells me I should play it.
Anyway, awesome screenshots. Loving this.
Well, the prologue of Hell Awakening was my first released mod, so if you're expecting super high-end quality, you might be a bit disappointed.
It doesn't go into the story that much either. It's more like what I call "setting the stage", and you only get a glimmer of the plot which is about to begin at the end.
(03-06-2013, 08:38 AM)No Author Wrote: I've never played hell awakening before. Something tells me I should play it.
Anyway, awesome screenshots. Loving this.
Well, the prologue of Hell Awakening was my first released mod, so if you're expecting super high-end quality, you might be a bit disappointed.
It doesn't go into the story that much either. It's more like what I call "setting the stage", and you only get a glimmer of the plot which is about to begin at the end.
It's still very much worth the play though
Now that you said that, it makes me want to play now.
(03-06-2013, 10:50 AM)The chaser Wrote: Holy fuck, I have been expecting this so much... I hope A LOT you won't disappoint me, Kreekakon (although you never did )
Everything looks really nice, keep it!
Well, judging by your sentence, if you already considered the Hell Awakening Prologue as "not disappointing" then I can say 100% that you won't be disappointed with this one XD
Oh, and also the ModDB page just came back authorized, which is magically only two hours after I applied for it. That was really fast:
Feature list sounds great! Looking forward to seeing more.
I didn't think the music for the trailer seemed very appropriate on the other hand. I mean, it's your mod so I don't know what atmosphere your going for and how well the music represents that, but it kinda sounds like music you might here for a beach-resort hotel advert. That's slightly creepy in it's own right, but I wonder if it's what you were going for...
(03-06-2013, 03:56 PM)Adrianis Wrote: Feature list sounds great! Looking forward to seeing more.
I didn't think the music for the trailer seemed very appropriate on the other hand. I mean, it's your mod so I don't know what atmosphere your going for and how well the music represents that, but it kinda sounds like music you might here for a beach-resort hotel advert. That's slightly creepy in it's own right, but I wonder if it's what you were going for...
Thanks for the feedback!
The feel I was going for in the trailer was a melodramatic one which is slightly sad. The dialogue in the trailer was also meant to support that.