(04-06-2009, 11:07 PM)Thomas Wrote: Check the Penumbra exe too. And also check the My Documents folder.
I do not have Vista myself though, but hopefully someone who has can answer soon if u do not figure it out yourself.
The folder "Penumbra Overture" exists on my C drive and just contains afolder called "Episode1", which contains hpl.log, hpl_update.log and settings.cfg. I'm not sure if that's what you are talking about, but it deffinately doesnt exists in "My Documents". Are the folders different because it is the Steam version?
I found the Penumbra Overture EXE in my steam folder and ran it as admin, but I had the same issues as before.
I am running Steam and the penumbra exe as admin, it looks like you're right about it crashing when it tries to save. Is there a way for me to change where autosaves are saved to? It might be because my "My Documents" is in a different partition to my boot drive (which has penumbra installed on it). I have looked through all the config files and I can't find an entry for the default save path, I am hoping finding a way to change this will solve my issue.