Alright, i stumbled upon another problem.
Is it possible for a function to take more parameters than default?
For instance:
Can i add a timer inside a function that calls the function again and takes the name of the timer?
So instead of this:
void CollideFunction(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddTimer ("ExecFunctionXY_1", 10.0f, "FunctionXY")
void CollideFunction(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState, string &in asTimer)
AddTimer ("ExecFunctionXY_1", 1.0f, "CollideFunction")
if (asTimer == "ExecFunction_XY1") {
I tried it but it doesnt seem to work. Maybe there's another way in doing this?
If you don't draw first, you don't get to draw at all... -The False Shepherd