Long long time ago, in a far away galaxy, i created a level, which i though to not fit my custom story project, there was no simply need for outiside areas, so i pushed this to dusty corner and left it unfinished.
As someone might remember, this kind of wierd creature was lurking in a forum called "screenshot critism thread".
It's a park or should be a park, and i wish if someone would join and continue it making it.
I want this to be more town kind of thing. A big map with streets and alleys, that kind of stuff you normally see in towns of that age.
I hope you can see this. Not only because it might be a little dim but also coz the dropbox is not the best way to share pictures.
And also little side note: There's no guarantee that i can get the download link here in this century coz i've had some problems with my rock reliable internet connection lately, so tell me if you're taking it so i can start to upload it, to verify, i won't do the whole thing for nothing.
EDIT: And about that map order thingy, maybe you can get this fit in some whole, i didn't quite read the rules properly to be honest.