I'm about halfway through the first level, and:
1. No story at all (yet ?)
3. Some blinking models (example: after opening the first door after start)
4. Cool jumpscare (after picking machine room key), but using it once is enough.
5. You should use point lights more, because you use box lights wrong: there should be only a one for the WHOLE level. Transitions between 2 boxlights are hella ugly. Oh, and maybe you didn't notice, but usually lamps aren't enough to lighten the place. That's why u use point lights.
7. When you make sets of stairs, use another one to make the ceiling. It's quite perfect for that
8. The jumpscare after pouring water to the bucket was pointless.
9. Speaking about... All the time I have no idea what am I doing. I dunno why did I pull the lever (and what did it do). And why did I collect the bucket.
When you make puzzles (or anything else, actually) think like you were the player, and you didn't know anything. Helps to make them more doable.
10. Make smaller
11. I was stuck, I couldn't find any more openable doors, so I went to the second location(in the basement, I think) There were torches at the begining. But then game crashed.
Now, please don't think I want to insult you in any way- I just point out what is wrong, or what could be done better. Maybe I'm mistaken, and actually you're a pro, but made the map as a draft ?
I actually like the level design, but it could be more detailed.