I know it's not a game you 'play to win' but some stats at the end would of been nice for the completists.
How many tinder boxes did I get out of 100 for example? What was my exact play time? I also miss the secret items found in Requiem (I forget their name - the trophy things).
I like to think I looked EVERYWHERE in Amnesia but I'd like to know what I missed too
I personally don't think these 'secret' items remove anything from such an immersive game. It would of been nice to have something to go back to...
Anyway, apart from that, what a game! Loved it to bits. I don't know how I feel now it's over - glad to be out of that horrific world or sad it's gone.
Just a thought anyway and nothing really to complain about. Opinions?
BTW, my rough time for completion was around 11 hours, can anyone top that?