Compile log:
0(5) : warning C7508: extension ARB_shading_language_420pack not supported
0(37) : error C3008: unknown layout specifier 'binding'
0(72) : error C3008: unknown layout specifier 'binding'
0(98) : error C3008: unknown layout specifier 'binding'
0(105) : error C3008: unknown layout specifier 'binding = 0'
0(118) : error C3008: unknown layout specifier 'binding = 7'
0(150) : error C7531: global variable gl_PrimitiveID requires "#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable" before use
What is mean?
(08-29-2016, 11:43 AM)Romulator Wrote: Hello!
Could you please go to the following directory on your PC and post the hpl.log file? It will let us see your computer system in more detail.
Vista, 7 & 8.x: Documents\My Games\SOMA\
Linux: ~/.local/share/frictionalgames/SOMA/
Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Frictional Games/SOMA