I don't get it, I'm getting the cellar key in the archive and as I read the last Algeria? journal entry I fall down, the screen goes black and nothing happens.. I waited for quite a long time.
The game doesn't crash it just stops, did I die ?
Doesn't this game have a death screen ?
I can reload and change the order in which I read the journal entries but the last one always seems to knock me unconscience and the game is pretty much over but it doesn't tell me this, it just give me a black screen and I still hear the game sounds. (grunting, creaking)
I can return to the main menu no problem but I just don't get what is up with this.
Help ?
I've taken to just skipping the last journal entry so I won't "die" and continued no problem.
Go to "My Documents/Amnesia/Main/[your username]" and get find the latest save game. Attach that to this post and I can check and see what is happening.
Error Attaching File
The file you attached is too large. The maximum size for that type of file is 100 kilobytes.
Doesn't matter, I know what I did/went wrong, I was running fraps.
I just started the game to check which savegame I needed.
While I had the game running decided to see if the game still faded to black and it didn't.
Sorry if this was a waste of time, I didn't realize fraps could do that to the game.
I would be really great if you could add the file. That I would make me pretty sure I can fix it.
To fix it yourself. Load a save game before you entered the archives and try again.
Please try and attach the save game first though. And it would also be very helpful if you could say how you traveled in and out of the archives. Did the bug happen first time you entered archives? What did you do in the archives before the bug happened? Any info is of great help!
Here are two saves, one is where the screen is already all black.
The other is one where the note is about to be read, you just have to click on it.
They're not the same situation, the latter is a different place and a different note but the same problem occures.
I just go from room to room picking up all the usefull items like oil and tinderboxes everything use the head/helmet to break open the wall.
go through read folklore note, solve the book puzzel take the key and the last note I read is in I think the study where the one door is blocked.
I did at first skip going to the lab and cellar in favour of the archieve but after the black screen I reloaded and did the Lab first but that didn't result in a different outcome.
Have you not been able to solve it youself? Make sure to load a save game before you ever entered the archives and you should be okay. If not, then I think to restart
(09-16-2010, 12:04 AM)Thomas Wrote: Thanks for the saves!
Have you not been able to solve it youself? Make sure to load a save game before you ever entered the archives and you should be okay. If not, then I think to restart
Well as long as I don't run FRAPS it's fine but with fraps running the walk to the blue orb doesn't happen.
I also have this problem. Other saves work fine, but as soon as I grabbed the key and passed out, it only loads a black screen. Exiting and re-entering the save does not fix anything, it isn't frozen as the oil tip shows up again and fades, and sounds can be heard. I have the 1.1 patch and my drivers are updated. I play with no other applications running. I don't want to have to replay the entire Archives, but it looks like I will have to at this point.
Other than this, the game has run smoothly and beautifully.