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Pitch black problem
mzx987 Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 9
Threads: 3
Joined: Feb 2011
Reputation: 0
Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Pitch black problem

I need some help!

I tried to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent on my new computer that someone sent me and for some reason, everything in the game is pitch black.

I can still see the logos, the menu buttons, etc., but the background map is all black.

Image of what it looks like:
[Image: 24ux2lk.jpg]

Here is the hpl.txt too...
Version 1.10 - s26ADEE0-539
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Engine build ID 20100818114615

Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating generate module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating loader handlers
Creating resource managers
Adding loaders to handlers

Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 1024x768 bpp:32 fs:0 ms:0 gpufmt:2 cap:'Amnesia - The Dark Descent - Loading...' pos:(-1x-1)
Setting video mode: 1024 x 768 - 32 bpp
Init Glew...OK
Setting up OpenGL
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Renderer: GeForce Go 7600/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!
  Version: 2.1.0
  Max texture image units: 16
  Max texture coord units: 8
  Max user clip planes: 6
  Two sided stencil: 1
  Vertex Buffer Object: 1
  Anisotropic filtering: 1
  Max Anisotropic degree: 16
  Multisampling: 1
  Texture compression: 1
  Texture compression S3TC: 1
  Auto generate MipMaps: 1
  Render to texture: 1
  Max draw buffers: 4
  Max color render targets: 4
  Packed depth-stencil: 1
  Texture float: 1
  GLSL Version: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
  ShaderModel 2: 1
  ShaderModel 3: 1
  ShaderModel 4: 0
  OGL ATIFragmentShader: 0
ATTENTION: System does not support const arrays in glsl!
Setting up G-Bugger: type: 0 texturenum: 3
Adding engine materials
Initializing DevIL
  Vendor String: Abysmal Software
  Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.8pre Aug 12 2006
  Version Number: 168
Adding engine post effects

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL
  Available OpenAL devices:
   0. Generic Software on Speakers (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)(OpenAL default)
   1. Generic Software on SPDIF Interface (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)
  Trying to open device 'Generic Software on Speakers (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)'... Success!
  Number of mono sources: 32
  Streaming setup: 4 Buffers x 262144 bytes each

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization

Game Running
-------- Loading map 'menu_bg.map' ---------
ERROR: Failed to compile GLSL shader 'C:/Users/PC/Desktop/Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/core/shaders/deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'!
Shader code:
[0001] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[0002] // Deferred G-Buffer Solid - Fragment Shader
[0003] //
[0004] //
[0005] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[0006] #version 120
[0007] #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
[0009] // Pack a float in a 2d vector
[0010] vec2 PackFloatInVec2(float afX)
[0011] {
[0012]     vec2 vRet;
[0013]     afX *= 255.0;
[0014]     vRet.x = floor(afX);
[0015]     vRet.y = (afX - vRet.x);
[0016]     vRet.x *= (1.0 / 255.0);
[0017]     return vRet;    
[0018] }
[0020] //------------------------------------
[0022] // Pack a float in a 3d vector
[0023] vec3 PackFloatInVec3(float afX)
[0024] {
[0025]     vec3 vRet;
[0026]     afX *= 255.0;
[0027]     vRet.x = floor(afX);
[0028]     afX = (afX - vRet.x) * 255.0;
[0029]     vRet.y = floor(afX);
[0030]     vRet.z = afX - vRet.y;
[0031]     vRet.xy *= (1.0 / 255.0);
[0033]     return vRet;    
[0034] }
[0036] //------------------------------------
[0038] // Unpack a 2d vector to a float
[0039] float UnpackVec2ToFloat(vec2 avVal)
[0040] {
[0041]     return dot(avVal, vec2(1.0, 1.0/255.0) );     
[0042] }
[0044] //------------------------------------
[0046] // Unpack a 3d vector to a float
[0047] float UnpackVec3ToFloat(vec3 avVal)
[0048] {
[0049]     return dot(avVal, vec3(1.0, 1.0/255.0, 1.0 / (255.0*255.0 )) );     
[0050] }
[0052] //-----------------------------------------
[0053] // Caclulate the fresnel term.
[0054] float Fresnel(float afEDotN, float afFresnelBias, float afFresnelPow)
[0055] {
[0056]     float fFacing = 1.0 - afEDotN;
[0057]     return max(afFresnelBias+ (1.0-afFresnelBias)* pow(fFacing,afFresnelPow), 0.0);
[0058] }
[0060] //-----------------------------------------
[0062] ////////////////////
[0063] //Normal interpolated values
[0064] varying vec3 gvNormal;
[0067]     varying vec3 gvTangent;
[0068]     varying vec3 gvBinormal;
[0071] /////////////////////
[0072] //Extra interpolated values
[0074] //32 bit G-Buffer
[0076]     varying float gfLinearDepth;
[0079] //64 bit G-Buffer
[0082] ////////////////////
[0083] //Textures
[0084] uniform sampler2D aDiffuseMap;
[0088]     uniform sampler2D aNormalMap;
[0093]     uniform sampler2D aSpecularMap;
[0104] //--------------------------------------------------
[0106] ///////////////////////////////
[0107] // Relief mapping helpers
[0109] //Optimize by getting 4 depths at once somehow?
[0110] void RayLinearIntersectionSM2(sampler2D aHeightMap, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0111] {
[0112]     const int lSearchSteps = 8;
[0114]     avEyeVec /= lSearchSteps;     //Split up the eye vector into the number of steps
[0116]     for(int i=0; i<lSearchSteps-1; i++)
[0117]     {
[0118]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0119]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth) avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0120]     }     
[0121] }
[0123] void RayLinearIntersectionSM3(sampler2D aHeightMap, float afSearchSteps, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0124] {
[0125]     avEyeVec /= afSearchSteps;     //Split up the eye vector into the number of steps
[0127]     for(int i=0; i<afSearchSteps-1; i++)
[0128]     {
[0129]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0130]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth) avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0131]     }
[0132] }
[0135] void RayBinaryIntersection(sampler2D aHeightMap, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0136] {
[0137]     const int lSearchSteps = 6;
[0138]     for(int i=0; i<lSearchSteps; i++)
[0139]     {
[0140]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0141]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth)
[0142]             avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0144]         avEyeVec *= 0.5;
[0145]         avPosition -= avEyeVec;
[0146]     }
[0147] }
[0151] //--------------------------------------------------
[0153] ///////////////////////////////
[0154] // Main program
[0155] void main()
[0156] {
[0157]     //////////////////////////////////
[0158]     //Diffuse
[0160]         vec2 vTexCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
[0161]         vec4 vDiffuseColor = texture2D(aDiffuseMap, vTexCoord);
[0165]     //////////////////////////////////
[0166]     //Set Diffuse color if no environemnt mapping is used.
[0168]         gl_FragData[0] = vDiffuseColor;
[0171]     //////////////////////////////////
[0172]     //Normal
[0174]         vec3 vNormal = texture2D(aNormalMap,vTexCoord).xyz - 0.5; //No need for full unpack x*2-1, becuase normal is normalized. (but now we do not normalize...)
[0175]         vec3 vScreenNormal = normalize(vNormal.x * gvTangent + vNormal.y * gvBinormal + vNormal.z * gvNormal);
[0177]     //If 32 bit we need to pack, else no packing is needed.
[0179]         gl_FragData[1].xyz = vScreenNormal*0.5 + 0.5;
[0183]     //////////////////////////////////
[0184]     //Environment Map
[0188]     //////////////////////////////////
[0189]     //Depth
[0191]         gl_FragData[2].xyz = PackFloatInVec3(gfLinearDepth);
[0194]     //////////////////////////////////
[0195]     //Specular
[0198]             vec2 vSpecVals = texture2D(aSpecularMap, vTexCoord).xy;
[0199]             gl_FragData[1].w = vSpecVals.x;
[0200]             gl_FragData[2].w = vSpecVals.y;
Compile log:
(168) : error C7531: global variable gl_FragData requires "#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers : enable" before use

ERROR: Couldn't create program 'deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'
ERROR: Could not load material 'soliddiffuse' shader 'deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'
ERROR: Failed to compile GLSL shader 'C:/Users/PC/Desktop/Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/core/shaders/deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'!
Shader code:
[0001] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[0002] // Deferred G-Buffer Solid - Fragment Shader
[0003] //
[0004] //
[0005] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[0006] #version 120
[0007] #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
[0009] // Pack a float in a 2d vector
[0010] vec2 PackFloatInVec2(float afX)
[0011] {
[0012]     vec2 vRet;
[0013]     afX *= 255.0;
[0014]     vRet.x = floor(afX);
[0015]     vRet.y = (afX - vRet.x);
[0016]     vRet.x *= (1.0 / 255.0);
[0017]     return vRet;    
[0018] }
[0020] //------------------------------------
[0022] // Pack a float in a 3d vector
[0023] vec3 PackFloatInVec3(float afX)
[0024] {
[0025]     vec3 vRet;
[0026]     afX *= 255.0;
[0027]     vRet.x = floor(afX);
[0028]     afX = (afX - vRet.x) * 255.0;
[0029]     vRet.y = floor(afX);
[0030]     vRet.z = afX - vRet.y;
[0031]     vRet.xy *= (1.0 / 255.0);
[0033]     return vRet;    
[0034] }
[0036] //------------------------------------
[0038] // Unpack a 2d vector to a float
[0039] float UnpackVec2ToFloat(vec2 avVal)
[0040] {
[0041]     return dot(avVal, vec2(1.0, 1.0/255.0) );     
[0042] }
[0044] //------------------------------------
[0046] // Unpack a 3d vector to a float
[0047] float UnpackVec3ToFloat(vec3 avVal)
[0048] {
[0049]     return dot(avVal, vec3(1.0, 1.0/255.0, 1.0 / (255.0*255.0 )) );     
[0050] }
[0052] //-----------------------------------------
[0053] // Caclulate the fresnel term.
[0054] float Fresnel(float afEDotN, float afFresnelBias, float afFresnelPow)
[0055] {
[0056]     float fFacing = 1.0 - afEDotN;
[0057]     return max(afFresnelBias+ (1.0-afFresnelBias)* pow(fFacing,afFresnelPow), 0.0);
[0058] }
[0060] //-----------------------------------------
[0062] ////////////////////
[0063] //Normal interpolated values
[0064] varying vec3 gvNormal;
[0068] /////////////////////
[0069] //Extra interpolated values
[0071] //32 bit G-Buffer
[0073]     varying float gfLinearDepth;
[0076] //64 bit G-Buffer
[0079] ////////////////////
[0080] //Textures
[0081] uniform sampler2D aDiffuseMap;
[0087]     uniform sampler2D aSpecularMap;
[0098] //--------------------------------------------------
[0100] ///////////////////////////////
[0101] // Relief mapping helpers
[0103] //Optimize by getting 4 depths at once somehow?
[0104] void RayLinearIntersectionSM2(sampler2D aHeightMap, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0105] {
[0106]     const int lSearchSteps = 8;
[0108]     avEyeVec /= lSearchSteps;     //Split up the eye vector into the number of steps
[0110]     for(int i=0; i<lSearchSteps-1; i++)
[0111]     {
[0112]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0113]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth) avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0114]     }     
[0115] }
[0117] void RayLinearIntersectionSM3(sampler2D aHeightMap, float afSearchSteps, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0118] {
[0119]     avEyeVec /= afSearchSteps;     //Split up the eye vector into the number of steps
[0121]     for(int i=0; i<afSearchSteps-1; i++)
[0122]     {
[0123]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0124]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth) avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0125]     }
[0126] }
[0129] void RayBinaryIntersection(sampler2D aHeightMap, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0130] {
[0131]     const int lSearchSteps = 6;
[0132]     for(int i=0; i<lSearchSteps; i++)
[0133]     {
[0134]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0135]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth)
[0136]             avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0138]         avEyeVec *= 0.5;
[0139]         avPosition -= avEyeVec;
[0140]     }
[0141] }
[0145] //--------------------------------------------------
[0147] ///////////////////////////////
[0148] // Main program
[0149] void main()
[0150] {
[0151]     //////////////////////////////////
[0152]     //Diffuse
[0154]         vec2 vTexCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
[0155]         vec4 vDiffuseColor = texture2D(aDiffuseMap, vTexCoord);
[0159]     //////////////////////////////////
[0160]     //Set Diffuse color if no environemnt mapping is used.
[0162]         gl_FragData[0] = vDiffuseColor;
[0165]     //////////////////////////////////
[0166]     //Normal
[0168]         vec3 vScreenNormal = normalize(gvNormal);
[0170]     //If 32 bit we need to pack, else no packing is needed.
[0172]         gl_FragData[1].xyz = vScreenNormal*0.5 + 0.5;
[0176]     //////////////////////////////////
[0177]     //Environment Map
[0181]     //////////////////////////////////
[0182]     //Depth
[0184]         gl_FragData[2].xyz = PackFloatInVec3(gfLinearDepth);
[0187]     //////////////////////////////////
[0188]     //Specular
[0191]             vec2 vSpecVals = texture2D(aSpecularMap, vTexCoord).xy;
[0192]             gl_FragData[1].w = vSpecVals.x;
[0193]             gl_FragData[2].w = vSpecVals.y;
Compile log:
(162) : error C7531: global variable gl_FragData requires "#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers : enable" before use

ERROR: Couldn't create program 'deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'
ERROR: Could not load material 'soliddiffuse' shader 'deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'
ERROR: Failed to compile GLSL shader 'C:/Users/PC/Desktop/Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/core/shaders/deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'!
Shader code:
[0001] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[0002] // Deferred G-Buffer Solid - Fragment Shader
[0003] //
[0004] //
[0005] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[0006] #version 120
[0007] #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
[0009] // Pack a float in a 2d vector
[0010] vec2 PackFloatInVec2(float afX)
[0011] {
[0012]     vec2 vRet;
[0013]     afX *= 255.0;
[0014]     vRet.x = floor(afX);
[0015]     vRet.y = (afX - vRet.x);
[0016]     vRet.x *= (1.0 / 255.0);
[0017]     return vRet;    
[0018] }
[0020] //------------------------------------
[0022] // Pack a float in a 3d vector
[0023] vec3 PackFloatInVec3(float afX)
[0024] {
[0025]     vec3 vRet;
[0026]     afX *= 255.0;
[0027]     vRet.x = floor(afX);
[0028]     afX = (afX - vRet.x) * 255.0;
[0029]     vRet.y = floor(afX);
[0030]     vRet.z = afX - vRet.y;
[0031]     vRet.xy *= (1.0 / 255.0);
[0033]     return vRet;    
[0034] }
[0036] //------------------------------------
[0038] // Unpack a 2d vector to a float
[0039] float UnpackVec2ToFloat(vec2 avVal)
[0040] {
[0041]     return dot(avVal, vec2(1.0, 1.0/255.0) );     
[0042] }
[0044] //------------------------------------
[0046] // Unpack a 3d vector to a float
[0047] float UnpackVec3ToFloat(vec3 avVal)
[0048] {
[0049]     return dot(avVal, vec3(1.0, 1.0/255.0, 1.0 / (255.0*255.0 )) );     
[0050] }
[0052] //-----------------------------------------
[0053] // Caclulate the fresnel term.
[0054] float Fresnel(float afEDotN, float afFresnelBias, float afFresnelPow)
[0055] {
[0056]     float fFacing = 1.0 - afEDotN;
[0057]     return max(afFresnelBias+ (1.0-afFresnelBias)* pow(fFacing,afFresnelPow), 0.0);
[0058] }
[0060] //-----------------------------------------
[0062] ////////////////////
[0063] //Normal interpolated values
[0064] varying vec3 gvNormal;
[0068] /////////////////////
[0069] //Extra interpolated values
[0071] //32 bit G-Buffer
[0073]     varying float gfLinearDepth;
[0076] //64 bit G-Buffer
[0079] ////////////////////
[0080] //Textures
[0081] uniform sampler2D aDiffuseMap;
[0095] //--------------------------------------------------
[0097] ///////////////////////////////
[0098] // Relief mapping helpers
[0100] //Optimize by getting 4 depths at once somehow?
[0101] void RayLinearIntersectionSM2(sampler2D aHeightMap, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0102] {
[0103]     const int lSearchSteps = 8;
[0105]     avEyeVec /= lSearchSteps;     //Split up the eye vector into the number of steps
[0107]     for(int i=0; i<lSearchSteps-1; i++)
[0108]     {
[0109]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0110]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth) avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0111]     }     
[0112] }
[0114] void RayLinearIntersectionSM3(sampler2D aHeightMap, float afSearchSteps, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0115] {
[0116]     avEyeVec /= afSearchSteps;     //Split up the eye vector into the number of steps
[0118]     for(int i=0; i<afSearchSteps-1; i++)
[0119]     {
[0120]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0121]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth) avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0122]     }
[0123] }
[0126] void RayBinaryIntersection(sampler2D aHeightMap, inout vec3 avPosition, inout vec3 avEyeVec)
[0127] {
[0128]     const int lSearchSteps = 6;
[0129]     for(int i=0; i<lSearchSteps; i++)
[0130]     {
[0131]         float fDepth = texture2D(aHeightMap, avPosition.xy).w;
[0132]         if(avPosition.z < fDepth)
[0133]             avPosition += avEyeVec;
[0135]         avEyeVec *= 0.5;
[0136]         avPosition -= avEyeVec;
[0137]     }
[0138] }
[0142] //--------------------------------------------------
[0144] ///////////////////////////////
[0145] // Main program
[0146] void main()
[0147] {
[0148]     //////////////////////////////////
[0149]     //Diffuse
[0151]         vec2 vTexCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
[0152]         vec4 vDiffuseColor = texture2D(aDiffuseMap, vTexCoord);
[0156]     //////////////////////////////////
[0157]     //Set Diffuse color if no environemnt mapping is used.
[0159]         gl_FragData[0] = vDiffuseColor;
[0162]     //////////////////////////////////
[0163]     //Normal
[0165]         vec3 vScreenNormal = normalize(gvNormal);
[0167]     //If 32 bit we need to pack, else no packing is needed.
[0169]         gl_FragData[1].xyz = vScreenNormal*0.5 + 0.5;
[0173]     //////////////////////////////////
[0174]     //Environment Map
[0178]     //////////////////////////////////
[0179]     //Depth
[0181]         gl_FragData[2].xyz = PackFloatInVec3(gfLinearDepth);
[0184]     //////////////////////////////////
[0185]     //Specular
[0188]             gl_FragData[1].w = 0.0;
[0189]             gl_FragData[2].w = 0.0;
Compile log:
(159) : error C7531: global variable gl_FragData requires "#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers : enable" before use

ERROR: Couldn't create program 'deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'
ERROR: Could not load material 'soliddiffuse' shader 'deferred_gbuffer_solid_frag.glsl'
    Cache Loading: 4749 ms
  Entities: 1537 ms
  Compilation: 2 ms
  Total: 6431 ms
  Meshes created: 25
  Bodies created: 5
-------- Loading complete ---------
Setting profile: 'mzx987' Path: 'C:\Users\PC\Documents/Amnesia/Main/mzx987/'

Medium framerate: 19.606080

User Exit
Saving main config.
Saving user config.
Deleting game modules.
Deleting config files.

Exiting Gui Module
Deleting all sets
Deleting all skins
Deleting all gfx elements
Deleting all materials

Exiting Generate Module

Exiting Scene Module

Exiting Input Module

Exiting Sound Module

Exiting Graphics Module

Exiting Resources Module
Done with fonts
Done with scripts
Done with particles
Done with sounds
Done with meshes
Done with materials
Done with Gpu programs
Done with images
Destroyed all textures
Done with sound entities
Done with animations
Done with ent files
All resources deleted

Exiting Physics Module

Exiting System Module

Deleting game setup provided by user
- Deleting lowlevel stuff.
HPL Exit was successful!

|--Memory Manager Report-------------------------------|
| No memory leaks detected. Memory left: 0

I also tried changing the gamma, but that does not work.
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2011, 07:13 PM by mzx987.)
02-06-2011, 07:13 PM
xiphirx Offline
Senior Member

Posts: 662
Threads: 16
Joined: Nov 2010
Reputation: 5
Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Pitch black problem

Try updating your drivers.

02-06-2011, 09:03 PM
mzx987 Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 9
Threads: 3
Joined: Feb 2011
Reputation: 0
Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Pitch black problem

I've tried to do that, but my dad won't let me uninstall the old one to install the new ones.
We tried updating them by downloading the latest NVIDIA drivers, but when we try to install it, it says this:

"The NVIDIA setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware. Setup will now exit."

By the way, if this is important, I am running Windows Vista 32-bit.
02-07-2011, 11:02 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
From Beyond

Posts: 3,085
Threads: 17
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Pitch black problem

The driver you downloaded is not for your graphic card.

02-07-2011, 11:10 PM
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Sailor9870 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Pitch black problem

Do you have the Gamma up high enough?
02-08-2011, 06:04 AM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Pitch black problem

Make sure to download drivers for the GeForce Go 7600. So choose GeForce, then GeForce Go 7 Series then GeForce Go 7600 and last the operating system you have.
02-08-2011, 07:09 AM
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mzx987 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Pitch black problem

I have already tried that, but I re-downloaded it, installed the files in "C:\NVIDIA\WinVista\179.48\IS", but I still got the same error message.
02-08-2011, 10:39 PM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Pitch black problem

Try checking the manufacturer (of the laptop) website for a better driver or try a third party driver if possible.

"However, please note that your notebook original equipment manufacturer (OEM) provides certified drivers for your specific notebook on their website. NVIDIA recommends that you check with your notebook OEM about recommended software updates for your notebook."
02-09-2011, 07:00 AM
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