So, as some of you may know, I released my demo recently with a few custom models and textures. But I've been told that they don't appear for other people. I believe the problem is the .mat files. They're basically text files that indicate which textures to use on a model.
They explicitly state the path of the textures to use, but the problem is that my texture's path will be different from others, because the game may be installed in a different directory than mine.
How do I counter this? I opened up a .mat file from Amnesia's game files and it just said the filename, without the path, as in
I tried doing that for my custom model's mat files but I think it broke something. I started being unable to open the map in the level editor, because it was crashing and listing a very VERY long list of errors...
I'll tinker with it some more, but does anyone here know how I can integrate custom models with my story? I know that I can't place entities in my level that are directly from the custom story files; they need to be in the Amnesia game files to work. But the problem is that my game files have different paths than many of the folks who play this game...