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Penumbra: Overture - Text Walkthrough
Thaliur Offline
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RE: Complete Walkthrough (finished!)

Scraper Wrote:My suggest is that you put Parts into that first post (that one wich starts this Thread), 'cause it's hard to find where player is goin' on... Smile
You could download the reformatted version I created (it's attached to my first post in this thread).
It's the same content, subdivided into chapters and subsection, with titles for each puzzle, so you can easily find out where you are.

Megatron - proving that guns DO kill people since 1984
07-09-2007, 03:38 PM

Messages In This Thread
Penumbra: Overture - Text Walkthrough - by pikacz - 04-07-2007, 01:14 AM

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