You use a
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback, bool abRemoveOnInteraction);
then in the void you use
StartPlayerLookAt(string& asEntityName, float afSpeedMul, float afMaxSpeed, string& asAtTargetCallback);
and AddTimer
(string& asName, float afTime, string& asFunction);
then on the void from the timer you use
SetMessage(string& asTextCategory, string& asTextEntry, float afTime);
then maby another timer and then in the other timer void you use
StartCredits(string& asMusic, bool abLoopMusic, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry, int alEndNum);
void OnStart()
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("NAMEOFENTITY", "NAMEOFCALLBACK", true);
void NAMEOFCALLBACK(string &in asEntity)
StartPlayerLookAt("NAMEOFWHATHESHOULDLOOKAT", 3, 5, "");
AddTimer("", 1, "Message_func")
void Message_func(string &in asTimer)
SetMessage("CATEGORY", "ENTRY", 2);
AddTimer("", 2, "CreditStart);
void CreditStart(string &in asTimer)
StartCredits("NAMEOFMUSIC.ogg", LOOP? true or false, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry, int alEndNum);
//Starts the end credits screen. asMusic - the music to play (including .ogg)
abLoopMusic - determines whether the music should loop
asTextCat - the category to be used in the .lang file (must be “Ending”)
asTextEntry - the entry in the .lang file (must be “MainCredits”)
alEndNum - Amnesia has 3 different endings and displays a code at the bottom. Determines which code is displayed. 0-2 will display codes, any other integer will not.//