(04-11-2012, 02:29 PM)jessehmusic Wrote: Hello i wonder how i make my daniel to die and later wake up on another map ?? any clue?
You can set the player's health to 0 by using:
void SetPlayerHealth(float afHealth);
You can set up a checkpoint that calls a function when you die. Put in a mapchange into that function.
void CheckPoint (string& asName, string& asStartPos, string&asCallback, string& asDeathHintCat, string& asDeathHintEntry);
Sets a checkpoint at which the player will respawn in case he dies.
Callback syntax:
void MyFunc(string &in asName, int alCount)
Count is 0 on the first checkpoint load!
asName - the internal name
asStartPos - the name of the StartPos in the editor
asCallback - the function to call when the player dies/respawns
asDeathHintCat - the category of the death hint message to be used in the .lang file
asDeathHintEntry - the entry in the .lang file
void ChangeMap(string& asMapName, string& asStartPos, string& asStartSound, string& asEndSound);
Immediatly loads another map.
asMapName - the file to load
asStartPos - the name of the StartPos on the next map
asStartSound - the sound that is played when the change starts
asEndSound - the sound that is played when the new map is loaded
I can come up with three more possible ways to script this, but using checkpoints is probably the best way.