Well, whenever I used the GetEntitiesCollide(,) function, it didn't seem to like using the "==false" part. This is how I'd do it.
Create a AddEntityCollideCallback("Player" , "Area_Throw" , "Collide" , false , 0) in your OnStart().
Then, in your "void Collide(string&in asParent , string&in asChild , int alState)", make it so that every time it is called, a local variable is set to the alState, like this:
SetLocalVarInt("CollideState" , alState);
Finally, use this Local variable to determine whether the player is colliding with the area, like this:
if( (mon_health > 0) && (GetLocalVarInt("CollideState") == -1) )
Overall, the script should go like this.
Or you can try this:
if( (mon_health > 0) && GetEntitiesCollide("Player", "Area_Throw") ) {// Do nothing }
else if(mon_health > 0){
// Do stuff here!
I don't like doing it this way because I don't really like the GetEntitiesCollide Function, but it should work.