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Textures dissapiering
Deamonicus Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 25
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Joined: Jan 2008
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Month ago Textures dissapiering

Hey guys, i have a problem with penumbra . The textures in the first room ( boat) are dissapiering (just the wall) and if i open my inventar, or there is some other text on the screen they appear, but if the text disappears the textures also do! I dunno what to do ,can you help me plz?
(got the Ati X1600 pro) i tryed everything, even change the combatiblity!
Set the settings down and up in every kind! But there are still away, in the Penumbra tech demo they are invisible also, and in Overture they dont just disappiering in the first room, the textures of the gates and rails too!

01-23-2008, 03:13 PM

Messages In This Thread
Textures dissapiering - by Deamonicus - 01-23-2008, 03:13 PM

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