Thank you very much, Leeeyam, for the complement, and thank you, Miss
Rigi, for welcoming me! : D I've heard you before, Rigi, you're pretty
(05-18-2012, 04:47 PM)Bridge Wrote: Too much twang for my taste actually (except for the Narnia queen which was a bit smoother); I think your consonants need some real work, they are quite oppressive usually. I also don't think you quite have the foundation nailed for most of these voices. I recommend breathing with your diaphragm if you don't already and really put some power into it, usually the voices sound quite weak as if your voice is about to crack. Also I dunno how much prep time you had but sometimes it sounds like you are going in a different direction than intended and almost stumble; the accents and emphases are sometimes off. But overall not bad and you certainly can learn if you want to. Not to offend but I think you have a sexy voice though a bit abrasive at times (a better foundation will solve that I'd wager). Good luck!
Thank you so much for the critique, Bridge! Thank you for bringing all that to my attention- I was a bit aware of my strong consonants, it happens when I do anything that has to do with
speech, like acting/ singing/ reciting things, etc. I'm really conscious of having listeners
understand my words, so I guess I've got to tone it down, huh? It definitely gives me something to work on. Thanks!
Oh, no, in all honesty, each one of these was practically read on the spot because I really wanted to have
something to show; I tactlessly made this account on a really hectic week/month. :/// Impatience took control over me! I plan on possibly re-reciting these with more time/practice. Mmm, but thank you, again, thank you so much!
(05-18-2012, 11:07 PM)Statyk Wrote: I like the variety. As well as seeing a new female voice actor on the forums =]
My only advice is to try to relax your voice, let it come out naturally. you seem to be reading or saying your lyrics word by word. Perhaps practice them over and over until you remember them in your head and they can flow out through your breath, not each word per breath, you know?
You're very clear, I would just like to see you smooth out your speech flow, much like the last link. (Not the TONE, again, the smoothness of your speech)
: D Ah, thank you, Statyk. As aforementioned, I
did try to recite these with very little preparation. I will definitely work on that, however, as it does tend to happen. Thank you!
It just occurred to me; if I can be linked to better practice monologues? I used these because I know the characters well, but if there are some that I can use for something like an assignment, perhaps, if it's not too much to ask for? In any case, the critiques were great and I'm ever grateful for them! Everything went way better than I expected, ahh. :>
Ooop, posted before seeing andyrockin's post. Thanks for the warm welcome! And yes, I did note the shortage in female voices-- it's the reason I'm trying this out! : D