Well, I've implemented the timer, and my current issue I'm having involves passing which blackbox it was collided with. For every blockbox, there is ScriptArea that, in it's name, has a corresponding number.
Ex. block_box_3 corresponds with ScriptArea_3.
Now, I'm doing a shoddy way of passing this number around. I'm currently using substrings to take the number out of the string. I've tested this, and it seems to not be the value that I'm expecting.
Can I just add another parameter to the callback functions?
AddEntityCollideCallback(brute, "block_box_"+x, "WallPhase", false, 1, x);
With receiving function:
void WallPhase(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState, int num) //when enemy interacts with block_box, it deactivates it
Just tried adding extra parameters, and the answer is: nope.