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Weird stuttering (memory leak?)
RayMarden Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Month ago Weird stuttering (memory leak?)

This is completely vague, but I wanted to report strange mouse and graphic stuttering in the hub-type area after you get out of the sewers. This is just after you load into this area and you go through the cinematic of your "friend" getting a name.

Previous game ran fine, demo ran fine, and Black Plague was running great until I got to this point. I am playing through it, but the framerate seems much lower and, more than that, it's stuttering (same speed...same speed...SKIP....same speed...same speed...SKIP....) It's a constant effect, too - I can just go stare at a wall or stop moving and, just moving my mouse around, the mouse icon will stutter a bit.

The strange thing is that this stuttering is now occuring everywhere. Even if I go back to the previous loading area (previous save point room with the television and fuse box,) that area, too, is now experiencing this same stuttering. Likewise, any of the various new areas (loading zones) continue this same stuttering.

Even if I exit the game, reload the game, and bring up my savegame (which, again, has me in a loading zone prior to the area that originally experienced the stuttering,) it has this stutter.

There is nothing on my system that changed during this change in performance and, again, everything (previous game, demo, current release) ran perfectly fine until that point.
02-12-2008, 03:30 PM

Messages In This Thread
Weird stuttering (memory leak?) - by RayMarden - 02-12-2008, 03:30 PM

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