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I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again
Kman Offline
Posting Freak

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RE: I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again

I've been on this forum for about a year now, and in all this time you are the FIRST person I've seen ask for 3D implemented in Amnesia. You're seriously acting like an entitled brat now "You guys are going to do what I want you to do or I'm going to cry and throw a fit!". From what I've seen FG rarely ever checks this forum, and when they do it's usually just replying to technical issues, so I highly doubt they even saw this thread. On top of that Amnesia has been a finished project for them for over a year now (the last patch came out April of last year). And there is a difference between caring about their buyers and falling down to their needs and replying to every demand of every buyer. Like it's been stated, they released a free DLC for you and enabled you to make your own custom story and download custom stories. And just because they didn't reply to your request they're automatically terrible developers that don't care about their fans. Great.

Posting Freak
06-10-2012, 03:31 AM
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RE: I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again - by Kman - 06-10-2012, 03:31 AM

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