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I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again
GraphicsKid Offline
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RE: I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again

Okay seriously... this thread is getting ridiculous now.

To the opposition: yes, we know that you don't like 3D... why do you care if WE have it or not? We obviously LIKE IT! What's it to you if this convinces the developers to adopt this technology? You don't have to use it if you don't want to. And before anybody mentions the development time and testing for 3D... DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! If you want the feature, you want it. If you don't want the feature, you don't. Why don't we let the developers worry about the development hmmm?

To the support: hey it's great you feel so passionate about 3d, but dammit it's NOT HELPING when you attack every person who posts in opposition to your stance by calling them a retard or whatever manner of juvenile garbage you can come up with. So you think the developers aren't paying attention to you eh? Well maybe that's because you can't seem to act like an adult! Why the hell SHOULD they listen to you?

Like somebody said earlier, you bought the game AS IS, but even so, the developers still provided great support, content authoring tools (MAP EDITOR!!!), and oh did I forget to mention the addition of FREE DLC that's practically a whole game in it's own right??? Quit talking like a spoiled little brat claiming the developers don't care about the customers. So you think that... great... go cry about it.

INSTEAD! A more CONSTRUCTIVE approach would be to try to get them to add in support for 3D for the NEXT Amnesia game... although I don't know if this is even possible as the HPL3 engine uses opengl as well (I think...).

From now on, why doesn't EVERYBODY just do EVERYONE a favor and READ your posts a couple of times before you click the "Post Reply" button. Hmm... maybe I SHOULDN'T randomly call this person a retard. Hmm... maybe some people react differently to 3D than others and it's really none of my concern as "no 3D" is already a feature of EVERY SINGLE GAME IN OUR GALAXY.
06-10-2012, 03:59 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again - by GraphicsKid - 06-10-2012, 03:59 AM

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