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I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again
Kman Offline
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RE: I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again

(06-10-2012, 04:09 AM)Ahmed Quast Wrote:
Quote:To the opposition: yes, we know that you don't like 3D... why do you care if WE have it or not? We obviously LIKE IT! What's it to you if this convinces the developers to adopt this technology? You don't have to use it if you don't want to. And before anybody mentions the development time and testing for 3D... DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! If you want the feature, you want it. If you don't want the feature, you don't. Why don't we let the developers worry about the development hmmm?
That's what I state all the time. But as the "opposition" does not even understand such a simple truth those who don't are not mislabled by retard.

I could have written "those who don't know" but instead of accepting that they don't know they come along patronizing which makes it even more retarded. People who are that misguided need a strong reminder.
...So wait you're aloud to say you want 3D and think it's a good idea but as soon as we say we don't like it we're obviously retarded. So obviously anyone who offers their opinion on a subject that's different from yours is retarded...Ok then. Aside from that, all we did was tell you that the chances of it being added in are so slim that you shouldn't bet on the developers adding it in just because you requested it (which at the time seemed to be what you were thinking). I never at any point said that it shouldn't be added, just that it wouldn't be added. And at this point with how childish and immature you're acting I doubt they'd add it in even if they were considering it. Whatever, I'm done with this, you're clearly incapable of accepting anyone's opinion unless it's exactly the same as yours, so you're not worth arguing with.

Posting Freak
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2012, 04:38 AM by Kman.)
06-10-2012, 04:35 AM
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RE: I have to nag you about stereoscopic amnesia again - by Kman - 06-10-2012, 04:35 AM

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