(06-20-2012, 08:38 AM)jens Wrote: This is not looked into. Not sure what is wrong but it is something specific with your computer and the game, could be a software conflict or similar. The troubleshooting guides gives detailed help on what could be wrong so check those. General rules are to update the drivers for the graphics card, install the game with an administrator account and run with an administrator account to eliminate permission problems, turn off antivirus or any other type of software that can interfere, try different solutions or running game in window mode, try modifying settings in the graphics control panel for the graphics card.
I have more information for you to look over. I went through all the trouble shooting guides. This is a plain installation of Windows 7 32bit, NO Antivirus, UAC OFF, FULL Administration privileges account, Video Driver Up to date via NVIDIA WEBSITE. The only program installed is amnesia demo because I need to get it to run first before installing the copy I bought. Launcher.exe & Amnesia.exe have "run as administrator" checked. <--- This in itself eliminates most if not all of the things requested from the "trouble shooting guides" This only leaves "dry different solutions" & "running game in window mode" & "Modifying settings in grphics control panel for graphics card." Now on to the other things requested.
I went back to the compatibility mode and was trying each one on both files (Launcher & Amnesia) at the same time. The launcher finally launched when I checked 256 colors. It does not detect my video card which is 6800 gs/xt. ONce in laucher I set everything to off or lowest setting possible. You can verify this by the main settings.cfg that is attached below. I don't feel these settings should be that taxing nor do I understand why it doesn't detect the video card but insteads has GDI Generic. Once I click launch game, it seems to exit launcher successfully (I can only assume since it does create a window for the game called Amnesia). But once that comes up it crashes with the BlackBox being displayed with no stack trace and only "
Amnesia.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module at 001B:00000000" You'll find this is different than before (I can only assume its from getting further).
hpl.log (Size: 1.57 KB / Downloads: 187)
launcher.log (Size: 3.44 KB / Downloads: 196)
main_settings.cfg (Size: 600 bytes / Downloads: 197)
Now I have done a bit of trouble shooting and need some help from the developer that created the game. I think its a real shame that all this has to be done to even get this far. I ask that you don't quote your generic line about this or that but actually look at what I wrote, I think it describes it well, and take the time to look at the files I attached and make sure that it isn't something in the launcher or amnesia code preventing me from using a product that I paid for. IF you will take the time to really look at what I have presented and reply with something that can be done to try further, or to gather more information for you I will try placing this card on a fresh xp install with sp 3 and see if it performs exactly the same. IF it does, I will try a different card in both machines, and if it still performs like this, there's no way its on my end because I have eliminated every factor.