RE: A Diskussion about "regenerative health" in horror games.
Sorry if this makes me sound Harsh or Nasty, but, if they wanted to focus on the Story, then, why didnt they just make a web comic or Interactive Graphic Novel?
A game without challenge, to me, personally, isn't really a game, its a tutorial, and boring. i'm not getting nasty with frictional, i can see why they wanted to focus on the Story, its a Duesie! great charachters, intelligent, superbly written, great dialoque and brown trousers time scary, but, if they are not going to have challenge, perhaps "gaming" isn't really the correct media platform.
No challenge, No Entertainment, No Entertainment, No game. its the same with call of duty or battlefeild, no challenge, just loads of massive setpeices that make it exiting as heck to watch, but brain numbingly boring to play. they would be absolutely brilliant as movies (Sean Connery (Price), Jason Statham (Gaz) and Micheal Fassbender (Soap) for COD movie?) but as games, ugggh, no no no!.
Everything has a place yes, but very Little has a place as a game now in my opinion, because its all designed to be as easy as possible so as to appeal to "new players", and that is boring, if you are not willing to have challenge, dont make a game, it is as simple as that, make a movie or a virtual novel.
if you have a great and involving storyline, then people will play it too its end no matter how hard the game is, look at the first 2 Max Payne titles, hard as nails, and people still played them because the storylines were epic, making a game easy when people will play it no matter how hard it is, because the story is awesome, is "dumbing down!" and that, to me, is a crime agaisnt gaming!
im with leon kennedy, too many medpacks is as bad as regenerating health, and regenerating health is a game ruiner (in all genres! it is not necessary, its dumbing down) as they remove the challenge, i'm sorry, but, if you dont want a challenge, then go watch a movie, i am sick and tired of having my hobby ruined for the sake of people who can't cope with a bit of difficulty so everything gets turned into call of duty in order to appease them because the industry hasnt got the guts to tell them were to get off because it has become so greedy it cannot see that this continual dumbing down so as to appeal to the widest possible audience has taken us back on the same "rushed out casual game for christmass" path that caused the great games crash of 1983, and will cause another crash!
as far as im concerned, a stand alone tutorial, a cut down "tourist" or "super easy mode" (that only offers half the game) and a quick controll reference sheet on the back of the manual were More than good enough to help the "new players" out before modern warfare got popular in 2006, so its still good enough now, everything else is "dumbing down", wich is the mark of greed!
if its not challenging, its not a game, and should have been made as a virtual novel or webcomic instead. okay, thats just my own personall opinion, and i expect 90% of people will disagree with it rather strongly, but, thats the way i am, a died in the wool old school hardcore gamer, and im beyond changing, so either gaming needs to change (wich it will in the next crash, as all the "mainstream" gamers will loose interest, just look at what happened in the last one) or i am going to need a new hobby, because gaming today, with its interest in new gamers, and its total lack of challenge, is Boring.
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2012, 07:49 PM by the dark side.)