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A Diskussion about "regenerative health" in horror games.
the dark side Offline
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RE: A Diskussion about "regenerative health" in horror games.

i know that, but again, why is it such a "crime" for the old fashioned mechanics to be used in other games?, why do companies think that it "has to be a clone of cod or it wont sell!", i mean, the old school mechanics are just as OK as modern ones, and can be every bit as fun if executed correctly, and every bit as bad if incorrectly executed ie, a shortage of medpacks and health that is gone super fast, ie, a Mishandled health system is every bit as horrible as a super easy health system that regens too fast and has too much top end reserve.

what i want to know is, why is it OK for games to use the modern systems, but its Not ok for other games to use the old ones?, why does it have to be "Cod mechanics or nothing" in todays industry?

The old systems are still every bit as valid, yet games companies seem to think they are worthless and its impossible to make something fun with them, when its perfectly easy when they are executed right. thats what i really want to know?

why is my game considered to be "inferior" to a cod clone when its every bit as valid! why is it spat on by the companies simply for not being like call of duty? thats my real question.
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2012, 10:09 PM by the dark side.)
07-29-2012, 10:06 PM

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RE: A Diskussion about "regenerative health" in horror games. - by the dark side - 07-29-2012, 10:06 PM

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