Naah, I don't have onboard graphics. The game just hates me
I know about the Yithian gun, but well I just thought the game could have done without you battling the polyps. Those things looked pretty disturbing indeed, so why kill the horror they create by making them easy to defeat with a huge lightning gun?
I'm not generally against the use of firearms in that game but I think they should have been reserved to being effective against human enemies only. It would have made all the non-human enemies much scarier because it would have really stressed the point of how otherworldly and powerful they are.
And like I added, there are parts I found disturbing, namely those insanity flashbacks in the asylum hallways. A bit more of that and a bit less shooting and it would have been perfect
Actually while playing I thought quite often that this game probably served as inspiration for Amnesia because they used some aspects of it (insanity increasing by looking at enemies for example and a focus on puzzles) and improved parts that didn't work so well. (chase scenes in Amnesia are hard to fail at but still tense, weapons are entirely removed)