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Who wants to play Amnesia with me?
failedALIAS Offline
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RE: Who wants to play Amnesia with me?

(08-07-2012, 04:05 PM)Bridge Wrote:
(08-07-2012, 04:04 AM)Damascus Rose Wrote: Alright I don't want to see this go back and forth and people to insult. So bridge, what Robosprog means is that he thinks you are lying about not getting affected by the internet. He does not believe you.
I'm not so dense that I don't know what he was trying to say, but it isn't what I was getting at at all. What he said was:

' Wrote:This is what everyone says, then about half an hour later you see them getting pissed off.

What I said was: I don't go cry in a corner and cut my wrists because someone criticizes me on the internet. However, nobody is immune to idiots and everybody gets pissed off because it's natural.

I asked several times what point he was trying to make in response to my post and the only thing he did was stubbornly tell me to read my own post again. I believe whenever someone who isn't illiterate tells you your post is non-sequitural, take a second to consider whether it truly is before you start being so defensive, especially when the other person isn't being an asshole about it.
Actually, for those kids who are far more mature than their age group, maybe it is a good idea to lie about their age. They can just tell people the age that their maturity level amounts to. People don't get any respect unless they show others that they deserve it, but few people are willing to pay attention to those they consider "too young" to be in a certain community, discussing a topic, or many others. So many people base their opinions on stereotypes; it could be that all 12 year-olds are fucking annoying or that anyone who enjoys MLP has issues.
If what you're saying is that people who just want to participate in activities they know they're suited for and do so by harmlessly lying are cowards, than how does that make you any different from those who regard all people not 17 or older as brats? In most cases, it's actually best for a child to not give away true information about themselves. We all know the internet is a mass collection of varying people and opinions. We all know that many of those people are not to be trusted with any sort of information that gives them any sort of leverage over another person.

Crap, why has this thread turned into this?
Hmm, perhaps that's partly my fault.
08-07-2012, 05:37 PM

Messages In This Thread
Who wants to play Amnesia with me? - by LD1E60 - 08-04-2012, 06:01 AM
RE: Who wants to play Amnesia with me? - by failedALIAS - 08-07-2012, 05:37 PM
RE: Who wants to play Amnesia with me? - by Froge - 08-07-2012, 06:55 PM

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