Personally, I'm wracked by guilt over all the games I've pirated when I was younger and stupider. It may not exactly be theft and it may not even harm the developer if the pirating person never would have bought the game anyway, but it just seems like such a huge disrespect on my part towards the people who spent so much time and effort to create that game.
So what I did was, I uninstalled all my pirated games (with some exceptions, like really old games you can't buy anymore) and am now re-creating my game library by buying them all. Will take some time and money, but whatever, it makes me feel better.
That said, some publishers really seem to beg you to pirate their game. Let me give you an example: a while ago I pirated Batman: Arkham Asylum and merrily played it for while. Then the holy light of righteousness struck my brain, I threw away my ISO and bought the game on Steam.
And guess what: Their stupid SecuROM copy protection had a server problem or some shit like that and didn't let me play the game I just paid for. For WEEKS. And that's not an exception, indeed it seems to become the industry standard for big publishers. What the hell? Paying customers need the help of hackers to play the games they just bought? Am I stuck in a parallel universe or what?
Quote: Good = For people who bought a brand new PC, but never have enough money to buy a game.
Able to spend 800-1000 Euro on a new PC but can't buy a game for 50 Euros? Seems legit.
Ok, seriously now, before the shitstorm hits me, I don't think I am in any way allowed to judge other people. If someone thinks its okay for him to pirate games, eat meat or whatever it is that I personally don't do that's really none of my business. This post here is only supposed to reflect the feelings I have about my
own actions, 'kay?